Why Is Agriculture Important?

Dr. Eric Berg Scientologist
3 min readApr 26, 2023


Agriculture is a vital aspect of life and a fulfilling profession. Also, it’s a fantastic chance to get outside and take in the scenery!

Keeping agriculture profitable and sustainable is also crucial. Farmers may save money while maintaining an abundant and high-quality food supply by adopting strategies like growing diverse crops, using fewer pesticides, and preserving land.

Farming is one of the most significant ways that individuals create food for their communities. Every day, it aids in feeding millions of people.

Crops like wheat and barley are grown by farmers and used to manufacture items like flour and bread. Animals are also raised for meat, milk, and cheese.

The United States is one of the top agricultural producers in the world. It imports less fiber and food than it sells to international markets.

Despite this, agriculture is a complicated industry. It relies on excellent soil, water, and climate and is susceptible to the effects of climate change.

Governments have promoted new technology and enhanced production efficiency to enable farmers to earn a better living. To achieve this, agricultural seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, water sources, and other inputs must all be of higher quality and quantity.

While farming contributes significantly to the world’s food supply, it also offers significant environmental advantages. It helps protect priceless ecosystems at risk of extinction while not polluting the environment.

Agriculture that combines environmental health and economic success is known as sustainable farming. It does not use harmful pesticides and fertilizers that might endanger nearby residents, employees, and customers.

Organic farmers employ natural fertilizers rather than synthetic ones and don’t use chemicals to cultivate their crops. As a result, less pollution is produced by the chemicals used in traditional farming, and poisons are kept from seeping into the soil.

Sustainable agricultural methods aid in resolving climate catastrophes. One of the biggest carbon sinks on the planet is soil and regenerative farming techniques like cover crops retain live roots in the soil all year long, avoiding erosion and capturing more carbon than annual plants.

As long as you have the necessary tools and are aware of safety concerns, farming is a terrific way to keep healthy. With a decreased risk of numerous chronic illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, farmers are recognized to enjoy better health than those in non-farming employment.

The act of growing animals or crops for food, fiber, or fuel is referred to as farming. In most cases, it requires physical effort and using tools and machines.

The health of the nation as a whole depends on a strong agricultural sector since it helps feed the world and gives us access to resources like food, water, and energy. Whether they labor in a lab or on the farm, it also offers millions of people a source of employment and subsistence.

Many individuals find farming to be a very fulfilling profession. It is a method to get in touch with nature, see seeds develop, and care for animals.

It may also be a highly lucrative profession. Crops, animals, and marketplaces are a few of the common revenue sources on farms.

They may provide a service like U-Picks, sell their produce to nearby grocers or restaurants, and have value-added items like jams, salsas, and salves.

Also, farmers often sell their milk, eggs, and meat to nearby shops or eateries. They may also harvest hay from their farms and sell it.

Yet, there may be few possibilities to make money in farming. You should properly prepare and work hard to get the most out of your property. With 5 acres of land, you may earn money farming in the following eight ways.



Dr. Eric Berg Scientologist

Dr. Eric Berg is a chiropractor and author who founded the Berg Institute of Health & Wellness in 1997.